Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Save Your Real-Time Search Results Too!

We are pleased to announce a new feature on the mashedge website - saving real-time results from the web into your guide.

One of the challenges of building a good web guide is to find the appropriate, current, fresh results on the topic of your web guide. We have now integrated the APIs from OneRiot into our website. With this it becomes easy for web guide authors to find real-time relevant and fresh results for the web guide. And with the click of a button, the link can be saved into the web guide.

Check it out and do let us know what you think.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nobel Prize winner Ramakrishnan benefits from global education materials

I was watching a TV interview with Nobel Laureate Ramakrishnan on NDTV news channel in India today (Oct 8 2009). He credited his undergrad university and teachers in Baroda, India. And it was not an IIT!

But what struck me was that he said he was very happy with his undergrad Physics teacher, who extended his physics curriculum with materials from UC Berkeley. The point to note is that students can benefit from education materials from across the world.

Sharing education materials has become much easier today, thanks to the internet. Today, immense volumes of high-quality education materials are being dumped on the internet. However, figuring out what would be useful for you is a challenge. To this end, Mashedge is playing a key role.

For example, we have collected top-notch Math and Physics materials from across the world to help students in classes 11 and 12.

So, students and teachers, make one yourself in your favorite topic, or check out these web guides.

Math for Class 11 and 12

Physics for Class 11 and 12

Making a web guide is easy. All that you need to do is to collect links on your topic and organize them into chapters. It will take some time, but it will help your students immensely.