Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beta Site Launched

We are pleased to launch the beta version of Mashedge.

Mashedge allows users to string together the gems of knowledge on the internet into viable web books.

Even though the search technology has advanced so much, people who are not tech savvy still find the internet intimidating. They type in a few keywords and they are shown large number of results. Children tend to get lost in the clutter of the internet. Busy professionals have no time to dig through the search results. Even internet savvy people can find the amount of information overwhelming.

Now, just imagine if you could browse the web like a book. Simply define the contents of the web book and let users add links to the websites they think is the best. The end result: you can get large amounts of information with one click in the familiar format of a book.

Mashedge offers this technology. We have a few featured books that highlight its potential:

  1. Singapore Math Curriculum: (Online Learning) Now use the Singapore math curriculum as the basis for browsing math websites. This will help students not get lost in the clutter of the internet.
  2. The financial crisis of 2008: (Current Events) Get a comprehensive picture about the financial crisis we all hate.
  3. Amazon Kindle: (Product Information) Know more about the Kindle before you buy. Find out the after sales issues experienced by other people.
  4. Barack Obama: (Politics) Get a comprehensive view of the new US president Barack Obama. Do you know where to find the his campaign promises? Well, now you can.
The possibilities are limitless. You can pretty much create a web book on any topic.

So, come on over, sign up and start contributing to Mashedge.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Kiran,
    I find this new tool very useful. I will give my feedback a little later. This is a nice tool for organizing the web.
